Hello. Business as usual here, the platter hasn’t stopped spinning and the discs keep on coming. There have been some interesting developments in the blank disc world, as the people making the nice white discs are now doing all sorts of funny shapes as well. Some are off the shelf, but there’s also the possibility of getting any design custom made. Basically this means that there’s going to be an explosion of novelty shaped lathe cuts going forward, and if you really wanted an hexagonal disc or a square one or one with little designs cut out of it, in black, white or transparent, then it’s probably doable. Bear in mind that anything other than a square is going to cut down on the usable space for recording, and hence running time.
Other than that, I’m awaiting a new piece of equipment which I’m hoping will improve the standard of my discs yet further. “But surely that’s not possible?” Well, yeah it is. I don’t care what shape or colour or whatever a record is, if it doesn’t sound good then it’s got no right to exist, and that’s the most important thing for me. So, more news on that when it happens. I’m not just mucking around here, you know…
Have a photograph to liven up this dull post. I recently made 100 7″s in black for the excellent Swansea Sound, which sold out in the blink of an eye. However I also cut a solitary white one, which went on eBay and raised over £200 for a fund to benefit striking Amazon workers in Coventry. I’m quite proud to have been involved in that, frankly. Right, back to it… type soon.